Friday, August 17, 2012

Review! Hawkeye #1 (Marvel)

Cover: David Aja. Very stylish cover. It feels like an advertisement.
Story: Matt Fraction. This book needs to be called "Clint Barton: A Day in the Life". It always seems to
           me that when a writer gets too big they start to write "small". When I pick up a comic book about a
           superhero I want to see super heroics. I don't care about his love for dogs or his rent problems. If I
           was a kid and this was my first superhero comic I would never pick one up again...boring. Save the
           everyday drama for your soap operas Matt and give us the Zip, Pow, Bang!( and can you show a
           superhero outfit for more than two pages?)
Art: David Aja. This guy can draw small. I mean the everyday, non-action, daily life kind of small. Good
        panel to panel work. Fits the story.
Final File: #1 and DONE...I wanted a Hawkeye book, not a Clint Barton one.

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