Monday, August 6, 2012

Review! Sunset: First Look ( Image/Top Cow)

COVER: Jorge Lucas. Iconic Las Vegas sign and a guy with a gun. Nice.
STORY: Christos Gage. Nick Bellamy is a retired military bad-ass who is forced back into action. I feel
                                          like I have read this before ('Red' comes to mind), too many times.
ART: Jorge Lucas. Im on the edge about this guys art. The black and white fits this story but all of his
                                 backgrounds and most of his figures are photographs. He just loads them into
                                 Photoshop and presses some buttons and done. Most of the times it fits but there are
                                 some panels where his "invented" art just sticks out like a soar thumb.
FINAL FILE: Buy it, Read it, Bag it! ( $1 for 22 pages is a steal)

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