Thursday, September 20, 2012

Review! New Avengers #28 (Marvel)

COVER: Mike Deodato Jr. Some controversy with this cover. The original solicitation had Mockingbird
                on the cover and was later changed to Spiderwoman. Not sure what the mix up was but the cover
                still rocks!
STORY: Brian Michael Bendis. (SPOILER) This is by far the best single comic book issue I have read
               this year. It all starts with Spiderwoman, Hawkeye, and Luke Cage escaping from an X-Men
               prison. They make it all the way to freedom when we see the caption "simulation complete"...
               WHAT?! In one of the most gut wrenching, evil twists ever, we see that all three Avengers are
               actually trapped by Danger of the X-Men and are re-living the fake escape over and over. The
               worst part being that when they reach freedom they wake up and become aware that they will
               be re-living this, helpless to stop the cycle. A little bit of hope can be a dangerous thing.
ART: Mike Deodato Jr.  WOW. This guy has become one of my favorites. His action and lighting is just
           awesome. Look at page #19 and #20. The contrast of the tortured faces of the Avengers and the
           cold emotionless face of the mechanical Danger is bone chilling. One of these three Avengers has got
           to get revenge on Danger some time in the future and I cant wait to see it.
FINAL FILE: Buy it, Read it (twice), Bag it! this issue once, then read it again with the
                        knowledge of how it ends and you get a totally new perspective. Genius Bendis!

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