Thursday, October 4, 2012

Review! Action Comics #0 (DC)

COVER: Ben Oliver. Awesome! But...was the cape put in last minute? you can still see the pencil art
                of the trapezoid muscles and right shoulder through the cape. Erasing would be good.
STORY: Grant Morrison. I am not a fan of Mr. Morrison. I think his writing is usually confusing and he
               seems to write as if he is the only one to get the joke. With that said, this issue is good. Who would
               have thought that Morrison can write "small".
ART: Ben Oliver. This guy needs to get off 'Batwing' and on to a bigger title. His stuff is nice. He is on my
          favorite artist list for sure!
* There is a backup story that is confusing as hell. It seems to be about Erik Drekken, who was shown
   mutated in other issues, and a kid named 'Adam', who I thought was the guy in red in issue #12 but this
   guy goes away so...I'm confused. Classic Morrison written by Sholly Fisch.
FINAL FILE: Buy,Read,Bag it!

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