Friday, November 30, 2012

Review! Shadowman #1 (Valiant)

COVER: Patrick Zircher. Super cool black cover! (the reason I bought the book actually)...but it is a bit
                too dark to see the figure.
STORY: Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher. Jordan has a limited writing background, and Patrick has
                less. It shows in this book. The initial story set up is good but then it goes into the longest, most
                boring sequence of the book. With only a bloody appearance by some future villain to break up
                the yawning. The dialogue feels odd and unnatural, and the way the main character,Jack, dresses
                feels lazy in design. Not much is explained as to what is happening but there seems to be a very
                important amulet that changes you into 'Shadowman'. Well, I hate it when an issue #1 of a series
                tries to get away with only showing you the hero for one page...the last page. Just because it is
                an issue #1 you don't have to tell us the origin of the hero. You have to make is care about them
                or we will not come back the next issue. Use a flashback story to fill us in, or through the very
                characters memories, hell just do it any place but the first issue. I don't even know what powers
                'Shadowman' has!
ART: Patrick Zircher. Aside from weak character designs ( a bald african-american with a goatee? seen
           that anywhere? a wanna be red "Venom"? the hero in a black t-shirt and jeans? really? ) Patrick
           has good artwork. Why cant anyone draw a believable "little person", not just someone who looks
           like a badly proportioned adult?
FINAL FILE: #1 and Done...nothing in this issue entices me to pay $3.99 to continue the story.

Variant Black copy looks even darker.

regular cover

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