Tuesday, December 11, 2012

9/11: Evidence of Cover Up

9/11 was "government" made.
I believe we only know about 10% of the truth.

Here is another reason to doubt the "truth".

Two days ago a small plane carrying singer Jenni Rivera and six others crashed in the Mexican desert.
Sadly, there were no survivors. There were, however, remains and belongings recovered. The drivers license
of Jenni Rivera and one of her shoes among the items. Why were none of these things recovered at the flight
93 crash sight ? The Rivera plane was small, it had seven people on board, and it crashed in the middle of
rough desert terrain...yet evidence was still found. Flight 93 had a large plane,with 43 people , and it crashed
in the middle of a populated area...but nothing was recovered. Does this sound wrong to anybody else?

You don't have to be a genius to see it.

Drivers license of Jenni Rivera recovered at crash site...looks like it was badly damaged.

Drivers license of CeeCee Lyles "allegedly" found at flight 93 site...its not even dirty.

Out of 43 only 2 drivers licenses were found at flight 93 site where people responded in minutes...1 out of 7 in Mexican  desert where no one reached the site for hours. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CeeCee's driver's license, pictured here, was a duplicate issued in June of 2001. (See right side of license)