Thursday, December 6, 2012

Review! Clone #1 (Image/Skybound)

COVER: Juan Jose Ryp. I feel tired just looking at this cover. Ryp has to have OCD to do this kind of
                detail and not go insane.
STORY: David Schulner. I don't feel like Schulner gave us anything new in this book. The "clone" story
                has been done and overdone so much that unless you have something awesome and ground
                breaking to say, don't bother. We don't know enough about the main character to care why this
                is all happening to him, and nothing is explained to us. Im not even sure if the lead guy is the chaser
                or the chased. Maybe a couple more issues will tell us more but I just dont care enough to buy the
                next issue.
ART: Juan Jose Ryp. Let me just start by saying that Ryp draws amazingly detailed backgrounds, too
           detailed, way too detailed! He seems to to have a need to fill every single micro-inch of space in
           every panel with art. This hurts his storytelling a lot. Its not bad panel to panel work but the art hurts
           it by being so distracting. Ryp also needs to take some figure drawing classes. His figures all suffer
           from "rubber man" syndrome. There was also one thing that really bothered me. Ryp uses a very
           obvious custom Photoshop brush, a series of dots and lines, that he puts on his figures to show
           "shading" and it feels very overused. He also relies too much on the colorist for the light and shadow.
           All his artwork is lit the same, no blacks at all. If Ryp tones it down a few notches he might actually
           be good.
FINAL FILE: #1 and Done...overdone art and "deja vu" story.


Total cover


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