Friday, January 18, 2013

Review! Captain America #1 (Marvel)

COVER: John Romita Jr. Weak cover. Cap's pose is odd and looks unnatural. Plus why did they feel
                that his face needed to be blacked out? There is no reason for it. Not worthy of a first issue.

STORY: Rick Remender. Strange start. This entire issue feels forced. The way Cap was captured
                is just too convenient, and over the top. It made me laugh. How the heck did Cap get that baby
                out? After he throws his shield we see that it is empty when it comes back to him and there is no
                baby in his arms in any of the panels...a teleporting mutant baby?! I also feel like we have seen the
                " hero alone in a strange land trying to protect a baby" story before...Cable anybody?

ART: John Romita Jr. Same old John. He has never drawn a good Captain America, this is proof. I
           wonder if John read the script. Cap is gonna costar with a little boy. John cannot draw children. Look
           at an issue of 'Hit-Girl'. Worst kids ever! They all look like weird, deformed, adults.

FINAL FILE: Buy, Read, Bag it! It is a first issue of Captain America after all, but I'm not too
                        optimistic of future issues. 
                        *what was up with that flashback of Cap's childhood? His dad beat his mom? So now
                           domestic violence is what gave Cap his inner strength? Ouch.

Its Ninja Cap!

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