Wednesday, January 30, 2013

W.T.F.?! J.J.Abrams?

Yes you are talented.

Yes you have created some cool stuff in the past few years.

But there is a law in Fanboy Town, a very strict law.

You are either 'Star Wars' or you are 'Star Trek'. NEVER both!

J.J. Abrams is 'Star Trek'. That is what he chose and, to be honest, it is not half bad. But he is not the right choice for the new 'Star Wars' films. I know that he could not have known that this opportunity would present itself to him when he signed on to do Trek but that is what fate has dealt with it. If you are a true 'Star Wars' fan you should be insulted and disgusted by his choice to direct episode seven. You are giving your best toys over to the enemy to play with. If you are a "Trekkie" then you should feel betrayed. There are too many talented directors out there who could do a great job on 'Star Wars', Abrams dose not have to monopolize these franchises...what will he do next, 'Avengers'?

Be a man and stick to your first choice "Trekkie" boy.

The deal from the dark side.

Looks right at home to me.

"The wrong director you have chosen"

You can only choose one.

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