Friday, March 22, 2013

Review! G.I.Joe #1 (IDW)

COVER: Steve Kurth. Not worthy of a G.I.Joe #1 issue.

STORY: Fred Van Lente. There is a significant amount of cheese in this book. With such a long history
                that G.I.Joe has you would expect a little more depth to the characters. This book is about as
                deep as a puddle. Most of the main team are cliches of cliches ( if that is even possible). You
                expect us to believe that an elite military unit is forced to carry a rookie journalist along with them
                on dangerous, secret missions? Really? And she is Tweeting to the world moment by moment?
                Like Cobra has no access to Twitter? Really? To sum it all up in one panel Duke (or I should
                say Van Lente) rips a line right out of 'Aliens'..."Will somebody wake up Quick Kick"...Really?
                "Somebody wake up Hicks" ring a bell?

ART: Steve Kurth. Not worthy of a G.I.Joe #1 issue....again. Who hires these guys? If he used any of this
          art in a portfolio to get work the editors would rip him apart. Computer screens out of thin air? Weird
          hands. Bad uniform design. Has this guy ever seen a human being? Roadblock has "Liefeld" scream
          syndrome. Why is Duke's shirt missing at the end? The W.O.R.M.S., the horrible,horrible
          W.O.R.M.S.! If its the inker's fault then get a better inker.

FINAL FILE: SKIP IT! all costs!...if you buy it you will be angry...if you are a fan you will cry.
                        * Senior Editor, John Barber, has the "huevos" to tell us the process of getting this
                           "all star" team together and how lucky they were. WHAT? Check out the 
                           Postmark at the end of the book.


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