Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review! Red Team #1 (Dynamite)

COVER: Russ Braun. Nice cover. I should have known this would be a character driven book. I know
                 the blurry thing in the background is a police shield but it is hard to read, you can see the pixels.
                 Bad choice if it was intentional. Dumb mistake if it was by accident.

STORY: Garth Ennis. The main reason I gave this book a chance. 'Preacher' is my all time favorite series.
                Garth also knows how to write a great 'Punisher' so I figured he had to have something good here.
                 I was wrong. This reads like a slow, boring episode of  'CSI' or any of those cop dramas. It was
                 a bunch of guys talking...talking...and talking some more. Some of the dialogue was rather
                 confusing too. Garth tried to tell us a back story full of names and situations without showing it.
                 This is a comic book, a VISUAL art form...where is the visual part? If it was an experiment then
                 it failed badly. This was written to be in a novel, but not a graphic novel.

ART: Craig Cermak. The artwork is rather boring. It fits just right with this boring book.

FINAL FILE: SKIP IT!...when I pick up a new comic book I expect a certain level of 
                                           "suspension of reality". A comic that is "too real" can work if the 
                                           story has some element of "unreal" . If a story fits too well
                                            into reality I can just go read the newspaper.

Its almost like they know you wont like it.


...and more talking...thats the whole book folks.

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