Monday, April 15, 2013

Review! Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Marvel)

COVER: Steve McNiven. Always good!

STORY: Brian Michael Bendis. The Guardians are a pretty well known team in the Marvel universe. This
                allows for Bendis to get us right into the meat of the story without too much intro (plus they did
                have a point one issue to help). The set up is that Earth is the focal point for the teams adventures
                and Bendis did this very well. Putting Iron Man as a member of the team helps too. Good start.

ART: Steve McNiven. This guy can make any book look good. Always in the top five comic artist list.

FINAL FILE: BUY,READ,BAG IT!...without the great artwork I'm not sure i would have given 
                        this book a chance, but I'm glad I did...the Guardians of the Galaxy have always
                        been C-list characters at best, I hope Marvel can keep them going...with the film
                        coming out it will help, but I predict it will be Marvels first bomb at the theaters.
                        They are just not that well known.

Star-Lord's conflict with his father is interesting.

Cool team shot! Cool team!

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