Thursday, April 25, 2013

Review! Star Wars: Legacy #1 (Dark Horse)

COVER: Dave Wilkins. Very nice painted cover.

STORY: Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman. I never like two writers. It tends to blur the vision of
                the story. This book is set 138 years after 'Star Wars: A New Hope' and it stars Ania Solo, a
                descendant of  Leia and Han. She comes across a light saber that becomes hot property real fast.
                I'm not sure how old this girl is but she seems to be too young to be running around the Star Wars
                universe all alone...well, with a young Mon Calamari, Sauk. It also looks like the war between
                Sith and Jedi still exists, but with new players. Good start, just have to get used to all the new
ART: Gabriel Hardman. This is the kind of art that best fits the Star Wars Universe. I have never liked it
           when they use a cartoony or bright style. Hardman has just the right gritty feel that this book needs.
           Good choice.

FINAL FILE: BUY,READ,BAG IT!...good start!

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