Friday, July 6, 2012

DC New 52 (Annuals): Batman #1 (Review)

COVER: Jason Fabok. This is a nice cover but the big Mr. Freeze face behind Batman did not work. It took me a couple of glances to see it and the coloring of it makes it blend into the background. Plus the red of the goggles he is wearing make them look flat. STORY: Scott Snyder has written a good origin story for Mr. Freeze. (Spoiler warning)Changing the fact that his wife is frozen and he is trying to save her, into making him insane and not even knowing the frozen woman, is a nice twist. The flashback with his mother was a good look into his childhood too. This book is marked as a 'Night of the Owls' crossover but that is a very minimal part of the book and the story might be better for it. ART: Jason Fabok can draw...just like Gary Frank! I can not stand when one artist clones another. I prefer you make mistakes with your own style than to make it look "professional" by copying an established pro.Are editors blind? Jason, get your own style dude, you obviously have the talent ( the art is good!). Final File: Buy it, Read it, Bag it!

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