Thursday, July 5, 2012

DC New 52 (The Bad): OMAC #1

Hope you all had a good 4th of July! I cant believe there are still idiots who decide that shooting a gun into the air is cool...brainless people in this world! Anyway, lets get to fun stuff. COVER:Good enough for this issue by Keith Giffen with a touch of Kirby. STORY: Giffen and Didio try to bring this Kirby character to the New DC Universe... no one cares. OMAC is old and feels old. He just feels like the Hulk in a horrible outfit. ART: Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish are not Jack Kirby, and its a good thing. The "Kirby style" has never appealed to me (I have always thought those black shadow blobs where odd). Even though they try to modernize it in this book, it still feels like it needed some better designs. At least cut off that awful mohawk hairdo! Not bad artwork but lets lay off the Kirby style. FINAL FILE: #1 and Done

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