Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Review! Captain America and Hawkeye #629- #632 (Marvel)

COVERS: Gabriele Dell'otto, #629. Love this guys covers! Part of the reason I picked up this book. Patch
                   Zircher, #630- #632. Not bad covers but weak coloring.
STORY: Cullen Bunn. Cap and Hawkeye vs. dinosours? Sounds good. Not as good as you think. A new
                secret government operative (because there is not enough of those around) named Kashmir
                Vennema is running some dinosour mixed with human experiments. A reptile man named Stegron
                 is trying to stop her. It all feels like a big nothing story. A way to get some sort of red vile in the
                 hands of Kashmir to set up future stories. Plus I think that Cap and Hawkeye do way too much
                 bickering. After all these years of being Avengers together you would think they were way past
                 that nonsense.
ART: Alessandro Vitti. The action scenes are good but Alessandro puts way too much black in his artwork.
           It seems as if he is trying to make every panel moody but he has no idea how to use light and
           shadow. His Hawkeye is also an obvious Avenger movie design of Jeremy Renner.
FINAL FILE: Skip it!

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