Thursday, July 26, 2012

Review! Resurrection Man #1: DC New 52 (The Bad)

COVER: Ivan Reis. Ivan can draw anything and make it look good.
STORY: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. I have never read this title before and I am not familiar with any of
                the characters. With that said, I would be the perfect target audience for DC to introduce me to
                this book. Well, they failed. After reading it I still have no idea what this guys powers are or what
                his story is. Too many characters are introduced and it feels like I walked in half way through the
                movie. Why DC? Another blown chance. This will just keep the old fans happy without making
                any new ones, and that was the point of DC New 52 right?
ART: Fernando Dagnino. Good artwork. It fits this title well...but not enough to save it.

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