Monday, August 13, 2012

Film Review! 'The Dark Knight Rises'

Finally saw it.
Here are my thoughts.
To begin, all the Christopher Nolan 'Batman' films have been over rated. Way over rated. This one is the same. Half of the film is too slow and puts you to sleep. They could have cut one hour out of it and it would have been good.
The Good: Joseph Gordon -Levitt! I knew they were trying to to make this character into some form of a
"Robin". Naming him Robin at the end was nice but just the fact that we know he will be the next Batman leaves us with a sense of hope for the future of these characters and their world. Good to see that Bruce Wayne finally gets a much deserved retirement...even if it is only in this universe. ( Please do not make a film with Gordon-Levitt as Batman, lets just leave it as is...a hopeful future).
The Surprise: Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. When I first heard that she would be Catwoman I was not happy. I apologize for that Miss Hathaway. You did a good job.
The Bad: Christian Bale. He spent the whole film looking like he was dying. His face looked so thin and unhealthy, not like a guy who can kick-ass like Batman. I wont even mention the stupid voice again.
Bane. (I do not blame Tom Hardy for this mess...unless the voice was his idea) This was the worst Batman villain ever. The furthest from the original version, the stupidest inaudible "Darth Vader wannabe" voice ever,  the weakest way to get "killed", and the sadest way to try to tie his origin into Batmans.
The Sentimental Moment: Alfred. His story of what he has always wanted for Bruce Wayne to have...happiness...even at the expense of his own. Choking back them tears damn it.
The "WTF"? Moment: Talia....really? TALIA?! Good stuff!
FINAL FILE: Best second half of the three films ( 'Batman Begins' had the best first half ) See It!

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