Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Review! Action Comics #13 (DC)

COVER: Bryan Hitch, Rags Morales (variant). My understanding of comic book variant covers is that
                 they are supposed to be better than the original. Well, Bryan did a good cover that fits the story,
                 Rags did a weak cover that can be confusing.
STORY: Grant Morrison. Ugh! This guy has ruined Superman. His over writes everything. he also tends
                to throw in strange dialogue that is often hard to follow and he seems to write as if he is the only
                one who knows the punchline to a joke. Now he has made the Phantom Zone into a weapon that
                essentially makes you a ghost? This Superman is boring.
ART: Travel Foreman. What is wrong with this guy? He jumps from a sleek, sharp art style into dark and
           messy inks from one page to another. This might have been okay for 'Animal Man' ( it wasn't) but
           it wont fit Superman.
          * There is a backup story that stole this issue. It is written by Sholly Fisch with art by Brad Walker.
             Sholly has written a story (now pay attention Grant) that is smart, has feeling, and adds to the myth
             of Superman in a positive way. No need to write down to us, simple and straight forward, a gem.



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