Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Review! Avengers vs. X-Men #12 (Marvel)

COVER: Jim Cheung. This guy has gotten really,really good. Great cover, wish he drew the interiors.
STORY: Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman.
                It took five top writers to write twelve issues of nothing. Two things happened. Charles Xavier
                was killed (and we all know that wont last, no matter what happens to his brain). The famous
                ' no more mutants' said by the Scarlet Witch was reversed. Yea, there was cool fighting between
                mutants and Avengers but that happens in half the books Marvel puts out anyway.
ART: Adam Kubert. Adam is a competent artist, but he bores me. He is one of those artists stuck on
           the same poses and panels and never gives us anything new. With such a high profile book they
           should have chosen a better artist...like Jim Cheung!
FINAL FILE: Buy, Read, Bag it...gotta complete the twelve issues right?

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