Thursday, November 1, 2012

Review! Uncanny Avengers #1 (Marvel)

COVER: John Cassaday. Don't like this cover. The logo sucks and the characters look cramped.
SCRIPT: Rick Remender. There really is no team here. We can see the start of what will become the new
                 'Uncanny Avengers' but it looks to be a few issues away. So we learn two things this issue. One,
                  the Red Skull likes to mess with brains, especially Charles Xavier's. Two, the Red Skull hates
ART: John Cassaday. I am a big fan of Johns work on 'Planetary'...not so much here. I just don't think his
           style fits the X-men or Avengers.
FINAL FILE: Buy,Read,Bag it!...its a #1 issue after all.

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