Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Review! The Ultimates #19 (Marvel)

We survived the zombie apocalypse!

2013 is gonna ROCK!

Back to business!

COVER: Adi Granov. Always nice. I love me some Iron Patriot!
STORY: Sam Humphries. The start of the rebuilding faze for the Ultimate Universe...boring. The "United
               We Fall" story just did not live up to expectations. It feels like it was a just a big set up to make
                Captain America president, and even that feels boring.
ART: Scot Eaton. Mediocre at best.
FINAL FILE: SKIP IT!...boring story and bad artwork has just turned me off a book that was
                        one of the best when it started. I'm dropping it off my list...until it improves. There
                        are better books out to spend my $3.99 on.

Iron Patriot wants spend your $3.99 on a better book!

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