Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Review! Poison Elves #1 (Outlaw/Ape Entertainment)

COVER: Darick Robertson. Not a big fan of Darick's work, but a nice pic.

STORY: Robb Horan.  Wow. Where to start? Totally confusing. I believe the story is being told by an
                elf character who,obviously, has survived some form of quest for him by another elf. I'm not sure
                if this book is easy for old fans of 'Poison Elves' but I was totally lost. Too many new names and
                places and with the black and white art it was hard to tell who was who some times. Then, to
                make things even more confusing, we get some kind of zombie-elf-jester that breaks the fourth
                wall and comments on the action. I hate fourth wall breaks in comics. That is the main reason I
                don't read any 'Deadpool' comics. Anyway, this issue is just not for new readers...wait...they put
                a primer at the back of the book? The back? So you find it AFTER you mud your way through
                this puzzle of a story? Thanks for nothing geniuses!

ART: Montos. Who? Mediocre at best.

          * There is also a four page backup story by Keith Davidsen and Shannon Ritchie. Just as confusing as
             the lead story. The artist also feels the need to fill in every micro-inch of space of every panel with
             his art. That is not the way to tell a good story people. Color would help.

FINAL FILE: SKIP IT!...if you are a fan and know what you are getting then go buy it...if not...this
                        book will not be fun. The entire book feels like student work, bad student work.

Best thing in the whole book.

Unless you are Frank Miller, do not do B/W comic art.

Must...fill...every inch...with art...

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