Monday, April 8, 2013

Review! Sex #1 (Image)

COVER: Piotr Kowalski. Rather nice cover.

STORY: Joe Casey. He named the book 'Sex'.What the title has to do with the story is not clear to me.
                It looks like the story is about a retired hero who comes back to the big city he used to protect.
                The main character never puts on a costume and we never see one in this entire book. So if that
                is what you are looking for this wont be the book for you. If you picked up the book because of
                the title, well, you do get some graphic, unneeded, over the top lesbian action that was probably
                put in to justify the title. Maybe a second issue will clear things up a bit, but I'm not spending  my
                money to find out.

ART: Piotr Kowalski. Nothing special. The line work is rather weak and the figures are generic looking
           in design. I'm sure the sex scene was fun. The art is just overwhelmed by the coloring ( by Brad
           Simpson). I think he was trying to channel a 'Watchmen' feel from the 80's, but its not the 80's
           anymore and it just looks bad. I actually think Brad just doesn't have any green to paint with.
           * The lettering by Rus Wooton was good...but what the hell where those color block highlights?
FINAL FILE: SKIP IT!...this is how I picture the pitch for this title playing out...
                                          Comic Creator: " I have this great idea for a new series about a guy that comes
                                                                    back home after retiring"
                                          Comic Publisher: " Cool, what is it called?"
                                          Comic Creator: "Uuuuu..."
                                          Comic Publisher: " Call it 'Sex', sex sells."
                                          Comic Creator: " But that doesn't fit my story."
                                          Comic Publisher: " So make him a sex addict."
                                          Comic Creator: " Okay."

Gratuitous sex scene,CHECK!...bad coloring, CHECK!

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