Friday, April 5, 2013

Review! Shrugged 2 #1 (Aspen)

COVER: Jonathan Marks. Cover B. Cute.Nice colors.

STORY: Frank Mastromauro. If this is your first 'Shrugged' comic, like me, I hope you did not expect
               much. The story seems to be about a teen boy who has a female conscious (named Ange...really
               ..."ANGEL"?) on one shoulder and a male demon (named 'Dev'...really..."DEVIL"? how very
               not clever) on the other. I'm not sure if this is Franks first writing gig, but it sure feels like it. The
               "banter" between Ange and Dev is beyond annoying. They are perfect stereotypes of the goody
                goody angel and the bad boy devil, but they argue like brother and sister. Frank also needs to
                brush up on his teen lingo. No teenager talks the way his characters talk. The African American
                kid says things like, "slow your roll", and "your creepin on my airspace", and "gotta jet"...who talks
                that way?! What year is this comic set in? Then he has a female classmate say "Heya sport" to the
                lead character. Really? would a teen girl say that to a teen boy in any high school in any era?!
               Horrible!! Then comes the strange scene ( out of nowhere it seems) where some demons are
               racing through some caves? Who?What?Where? explanation given or introduction. (also
               what the hell is happening on the second to last page?) Not user friendly for new readers.

ART: Jonathan Marks and Micah Gunnell.  Don't know who did what but they are both very
           amateurish looking. The cover is the only good drawing in this book. The coloring by Beth Sotelo
           is too bright and shiny, makes it cartoony.

FINAL FILE: SKIP IT!...if you read the first series and liked it, go balls, but this book is not for
                        new readers...or readers of good comics.
Nice cover...but thats about it.

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